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Hide menu item in backend

Martin Grønbekk Moen

I try to hide one menu item completly for all users except "Administrator".

The way I do it is like this.

But when I try to log in as an "Editor" (Custom standard user with backend access) I still see the menu item in my list, even though it is disabled.
I thought the option "Show this page in menu - Only for users with access to this page" meant exactly what it says, but obviously I was wrong.
Or did I miss something here?


Oleg Rodionov


the settings that you use, actually, handle frontend to allow to display the page (page folder) in menu (note the 'Frontend settings' label on your screenshot), but not backend - the page can be only disabled in page tree.

BR, Oleg. QA

Martin Grønbekk Moen

Yes, I guess you are correct, I did not notice the "Frontend settings" legend text.
So there are no way to completly hide the menu item in the backend for users that dont have access?


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