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Forum » CMS - Standard features » GUI for editors - Is it possible to sort the order of the paragraph/page items when the editor creates new page/paragraph

GUI for editors - Is it possible to sort the order of the paragraph/page items when the editor creates new page/paragraph

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall

Question:  Is it possible to sort the order of the paragraph/page items when the editor creates new page/paragraph?


If yes, how can this be achieved?




Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Hans

That is not possible. You can however, write a notification subscriber that will update the sort order of the pages or paragraphs when new ones are added.

BR Nicolai

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall

Hi Nicolai

Thanx for the reply. Not sure what you mean. Would this set the order the editor would see the items (pages/paragraphs), right after clicking creating new paragraph/page (When they select what item to create)?

HavenĀ“t worked with notification subscribers before. What would be the best way to get started with this? Any Guide/Tutorial available?



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