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Global:Page.Content to return templated contents of the page?

Roman Sterlingov
The reference for this tag says:
Returns the content of the paragraphs on a given page.

It's only the pararaph content and not the paragraph setup it's outputting.

So what is the best way to actually return the whole page, as it is generated normally, with all the templates applied?


David Matheson

The tags you have available:are

  • Global:Page.Content(ID to page):  Lists the content for a whole page
  • Global:Paragraph.Content(ID to paragraph): Lists the contents for a single paragraph
So if you are using the old style design method with ParagraphTemplates you will need make a new paragraphTemplate and include Global:Paragraph.Content() tags where you would normally include the paragraph.  You may also need to add one or more blank paragraphis to the page - I have not tested what you are trying to do.

Hope this helps

Roman Sterlingov
Global:Page.Content(ID to page):  Lists the content for a whole page

It does not seem to do that. It returns all the contents of all the paragraphs of the page. It does not return the actual template of the page with paragraphs inserted into it, just the contents of paragraphs, simply concatenated... Unless I am doing it wrong? (I mean, is this the defined behavior?)

David Matheson

Hi Roman,

Yes, it is the defined behaviour - it returns the contents, NOT the layout.  As I wrote you will need a new Paragraph Template that includes your Global:Paragraph.Content tags.  Alternatively, make your Paragraph Template and paragraphs global so that if you edit one, you edit all occurances of the paragraph.



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