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Global paragraphs and language layers

Ben Doorn


I have a customer with multiple multilanguage websites. The customer wants to use a global element from site one in site two. But then something strange happens in the second language of site2.

The global elements are visible on the primary language of site2, however they are not copied into the second language of site2. Restoring the language layer does not help. Is this me doing something wrong or is it a bug in the system?

Kind regards,



Oleg Rodionov

Hi Ben,

I've tested solution deployed under as follows:

1. Create new site with regular page has regular paragraph;

2. Create another regular page into the site has global paragraph mapped to the paragraph from 1;

3. Create new language of the site, verify paragraphs of the copy (with new language) - note that global paragraph exists and mapped to appropriate one in the copy (via paragraph-Advanced-Global element option, OK);

4.  Create copy of the site form 1, use default settings in copy prompt (note that 'Structure and paragraphs' and 'Global elements' options are checked before coping), verify paragraphs of the copy - there are the same results as on step  3 (OK);

5. Create new language for the site from 4, verify paragraphs of the copy - there are the same results as on step 3 (OK).  

Please, comment if your scenario is not the same.

BR, Oleg QA

Ben Doorn

Hi Oleg,

In my situation there are some differences.

1. The paragraphs are not regular, but itemtype paragraphs

2. In step 4 you created a copy of the site. We created a new site because the structure is very different. Then we created a page that has holds the global paragraphs of site 1. Those paragraphs where not copied to the extra language layer not even when we did a reset of the page in the second language.

This project is running on a slightly older version:

Kind regards,


Oleg Rodionov

Hi Ben,

Yep, the bug is reproduced, I've created new TFS #17890 will be fixed in nearest release, thanks a lot for observing.

BR, Oleg QA



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