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Forum user email

Thomas Schroll


Does anybody know a way to disable a user, who has subscribed to a thread in the forum module?

Regards Thomas


Merethe Vrå Andersen


Via the unsubscribe links in the email from the thread - or delete the user relation row in the ForumUserRelation table.
A bug regarding the unsubscribe links was fixed in

Unsubscribe emails.

1. Set up ForumDW8 modul on a page

2. Subscribe to a thread or category (a row is created in the ForumUserRelation table)

3. On the module settings make sure the template UpdatePublicUnsubscribe.html is selected under Newsletter

4. Post a reply to a thread (you receive a mail with the update)

5. Follow one of the unsubscribe links in the update mail

Kind regards,


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