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FormSaveProvider Forms for Editors

Jesse Bakker


We have a solution that uses a FormSaveProvider to manipulates the recipients mails. This works with the Forms (Data Lists) but we want to do something similar for the Forms for Editors. But the module doesn't show any options to use the provider like the Forms (Data Lists) does.

Is it possible to use a FormSaveProvider with the Forms for Editors? 

BR, Jesse 


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Jesse

The module does not support FormSaveProviders.

But you can use the Notifications.Frontend.OnSendMail or Notifications.Frontend.OnSendMail notifications to change the message being send. You get the entire message so you can change whatever you want.

In the form it self (client side), you can also change the behavior of what happens when the form is being submitted. If you create a field called "MailRecipient" with a comma separated list of emails, those are the emails used to send the form mail to.

BR Nicolai

Jesse Bakker

Hi Nicolai,

Thanks, we'll use that instead.

BR, Jesse

Jesse Bakker

Hi Nicolai,

It seems there is no notification for Notifications.Frontend.OnSendMail?

I also looked for something similar but cant find anything here:

Is there something i'm missing?

BR, Jesse

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

You need to take a look at Dynamicweb.Modules.Forms.Notifications in Dynamicweb.Modules.dll


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