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Forms for editors - translation of validation message

Lars Larsen


I am using the new forms module "Forms for editors". But how can I translate the validation message that appears when a madatory field is not filled out? The validation message is "Please fill out this field.". I have tried making a translation in the translation system in MC, but it doesn't seem to work!


Oleg Rodionov
This post has been marked as an answer


new TFS 17389 has been created regarding the bug, thanks!

BR, Oleg QA

Votes for this answer: 1
Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Lars & Oleg

It is actually not a bug. In Forms for editors when you set the required checkbox on a field, it uses the HTML 5 required attribute and the message is coming from the browser and not a Dynamicweb script. So the message will have the language of the browser.

In the next version of forms for editors, the module will have a much more complex validation engine - including the possibility to write your own message.

BR Nicolai

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

You can manipulate the message it seems:


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