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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Forms for editors - submit form without reloading page

Forms for editors - submit form without reloading page

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall


Want to submit form without reloading page.

Is there any way of doing this in standard Dynamicweb? Maybe some built in Ajax template or nnybody have some suggestions?

br, Hans


Nicolai Pedersen

You can do it by changing the template... Or really low tech, set the target on the form element to a hidden iframe.

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall

Ok, thank you for the quick response.


By changing the template, you mean writing an Ajax submit in the template, or is there at template that does this already?

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Hans

We do not have that example....

BR Nicolai


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