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Forgot password feature uses IIS SMTP settings in stead of DW config

Jeroen Elias


In an intranet solution of one of our customers I received a message that the ForgotPassword feature generates an error on the website.

It seems that the ForgotPassword feature of DW uses the settings defined in IIS rather than the settings in GlobalSettings.aspx.
These settings in IIS are empty, meaning no SMTP server was defined.
When I submit a Forgot Password form, I get "No valid SMTP host found. Please specify a valid SMTP host in Control Panel"
So I entered a valid SMTP server name in IIS ("").
When I submit the ForgotPassword form, the error message has changed to: "Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.64 TenantAttribution; Relay Access Denied"

What's wrong here?

    Jeroen Elias


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

You have added a SMTP server that this server is not allowed to send through - try making a search for SMTP relays in Google.

The ISP that this server is hosted through probably have a SMTP that you can use.

BR Nicolai

Jeroen Elias

Is there a simple way to test the e-mail functionality of DW?

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Jeroen

Currently only by using something that sends an email.

On the server you can do a telnet directly to the SMTP to see if it allows relays from the server IP.

BR Nicolai

Jeroen Elias

Hi Nicolai,

Tried this and it seems external e-mail addresses as receipients are being rejected. I get an error message when I try that.
I have reported this to their systems engineers to take a look at it.

However, my first question was: does DW use its own SMTP settings (defined in Globalsettings.aspx) for this ForgotPassword function, or does it use the IIS setting (it seems the latter) ? In my opinion it should use the Globalsettings.aspx setting.



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