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Forum » CMS - Standard features » File upload doesnt work in FF

File upload doesnt work in FF

Peter Leleulya

I got complaints that the file upload doesn't work properly in FireFox.
I've checked myself and have the same issue.
The upload status bar turns green, but a red error cross appears behind it and the upload failed.
Is there a solution to this?
In Chrome and IE there don't seem to be a problem.
I've tested up to version

See attached swf.

Thanks in advance,



Oleg Rodionov


I've tested the issue on and with last FF 37.0.2 and JPG file(s) (400 KB) - not reproduced.

BR, Oleg QA

Peter Leleulya

Well ...

Our client, the end user of the dynamic web product, reported it.
We have the same problem on multiple PCs also using FF 37.0.2 as you can see in the movie (haven't seen it working).
It does work in Internet Explorer, so I suppose it can't be a directory read/write issue or something.
I have no company restrictions on my system and no additional browser settings.

So what do I say to our client? Too bad?


Oleg Rodionov

Please, submit new request regarding the issue to DW customer support service.

BR, Oleg

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Peter

What DW version? There was a bug regarding this - the "Firefox/Flash cookie bug"...

BR Nicolai

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

The video shows 8.5.1 - you say 8.6.1

Peter Leleulya

Hi Nicolai,

Current version in production is and that version still has this problem.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Where is the server?

And we need a link - it works in all our test environment. What does Fiddler says?

Peter Leleulya

I created a case (111457) because Oleg suggested this.
In the case i provided the actual url, the forum didn't seem an appropriate place to post such a link.
Please note, the project url you have connected to the project is incorrect.


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