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File Manager permissions

Mario Santos

Hello there,


I've set up permissions on folders at File Manager, some users won't be able to access some folders, and added a paragraph with the File Publishing module.

Although, when I log in with a user that should only access specific folders, I'm able to see all folders and files and download them.

Should the File Manager permissions block the access to folders and files?

Dw version:


Thank you, Mário


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Mario

I would have a look in the manual and the installation guide.

In the file manager you setup backend permissions - who can see and upload images to that folder. It has nothing to do with filepublisher.

Mario Santos

Hi Nicolai,


I was guessing that those are 2 separated things. On this project I have (for now) 10 folders, each one with different permissions. I can create 10 paragraphs and list the 10 folders with the proper frontend permissions, but I'm afraid that the number 10 will increase over time. Is there any more efficient way to do this? Maybe a razor method to get the permissions?


Thanks in advance, Mário

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

You cannot mix frontend and backend permissions... You would have to make some custom stuff in order to that. I would go for the paragraph approach because it is understandable and people can figure out how it works.

Mario Santos

Got it. Thanks once again Nicolai.

BR, Mário


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