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Extranet login other possible ID

Peter Bille Larsen

Hi DWs

One of out clients asks me if we can use anything else than USERNAME for login?
He would like ie. CPR og Mail or phonenumber.

can it be done?




Morten Bengtson

It is not possible out of the box AFAIK. You can see a custom solution here...

If the site is accepting CPR as input or displaying CPR numbers, then you have to use encryption as well ;-)


Peter Bille Larsen

Hi Morten

thanks for answering.

Yes sure, CPR is HTTPS. But I think that in the example that you post to Nuno, what are you doing exactly?
Are you matching a "masterlogin" to a custom accessuser field and then sending the correct username to the system by:

security.ExtranetLogin(user.UserName, user.Password);




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