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Export website for translation problem with æøå

Per Søgaard

Exporting website for translation gives danish characters in headers with æøå and in paragraphs with html versions like æ etc.

The translators works with Trados an cannot work with the html characters.

How can i get an export with no html characters?


Jacob Storgaard Jensen

Hi Per,

A possible hack would be this:

A search and replace within the Text nodes of the export xml could convert them into æøå, then do it reverse when importing (if the translated language includes æøå that is) - Depends a little on you XML-editor if it can search by XPath which would make it way easier to do the search and replace only inside the Text nodes... I know that the Oxygen Xml editor is really good at this: I think they have a working trial you can test.

BUT: I just did an export on a solution, an all æøå chacters are not "html versions" - so it might be an old issue... The texts have been type with the new provider based editor, which might have something to do with it.

Mikkel Ricky

This is a bug and I've created a work item for fixing it. The xml export should not contain any HTML entities as they do not make sense in generic XML. As Jacob mentions, the new editor does not generate html entities for Danish letters, but it may still generate stuff like  

There is a number of online converters that can help you convert the export, e.g., but using a xml editor is probably a better option.

Best regards,

Per Søgaard

Hi Mikkel

Thankyou. I mailed you the url of the site.


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