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Error in admin saving a product

Aki Ruuskanen


Has anyone encountered this error in eCom when saving a product?

"Cannot create a row of size 8248 which is greater than the allowable maximum row size of 8060.
The statement has been terminated.

Regards / Aki


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

How many custom fields have you created? My guess is too many.

What version of SQL Server are you running?

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

If you indeed have too many fields, but you need them all, try changing fields like Text(100) and Text(255) to LongText. This will give you a text area instead, but the field changes from an nvarchar(100/255) to an nvarchar(max) whose value doesn't add up to the maximum record size (and than the length of the field itself which is 16 if I am not mistaken).


Hope this helps,



Aki Ruuskanen

Well it's 46 custom fields, most of the are nvarchar(20/50), ints and floats. I did try to clean most of the fields and save but it did not help.

Thanx Imar. Thats a good tip to keep in mind if you know that you will be dealing with  lot of custom fields. 


Aki Ruuskanen

It was actually not the products table that was the problem.

We checked with SQL profiler and the error occurs when the OrderLines table is updated with productname. We don't know why this happends yet, the row does not seem to be too large.



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