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Email from contact form goes in spam

Siv Lillevik
Siv Lillevik

A client of ours experiences that all email from their contact for on their website goes into the spam folder in outlook

The smtp settings in DW is smtp.dynamic-systems.lan, with no information in the authentication fields.

Since the sender of the email is set to be the email of the person who sends the email, it is difficult to mark the messages as none-spam.

What do we need to change?


Nicolai Pedersen

You might need to setup spf records for the sender emails domain that tells that smtp.dynamic-systems.lan is a valid sending SMTP for the sender email address. The provider that has the DNS for the domain used for emails, can set that up for you.

An easier alternative is probably to use the SMTP server from the senders email provider. I.e. they use outlook from office 365, that can be used to send emails - find the settings here:

And gmail settings:


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