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Dw statistics vs Google Analytics

Terri Donahue
Terri Donahue

Hi guys,

Can you think of a reason that Dw statistics would show values that are grossly different than values provided by Google Analytics? - Shows Unique IPs, Visitors, and Page views for the month of March

Attachment shows GA stats for the same period of time.



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Terri

There is a number of reasons - the primary reason on this site is sessions from the IP In settings, ip filtering, you can filter it out. (See this under the "Unique visitors" report).

Then there can be other reasons for differences:

  • Dynamicweb can filter out (depending on settings)
    • Admin visits (usually just a few)
    • Visits with just one pageview (easily 30-40%)
  • Google and DW handle sessions differently. Google registers a new session after 20 mins inactivity. Dynamicweb not untill session id changes (the same session id can stick as long as the browser is open, i.e. over one entire day)
  • Dynamicweb tries to filter out bots - Google does the same. There is differences in how that happens, Google is better than that I Guess.
  • Google analytics gets blocked by more and more users due to adblock add-ins. See i.e.

Thats a couple of reasons. Which number is then most accurate? Hard to tell... '

Hope this clarifies.

BR Nicolai

Terri Donahue
Terri Donahue

Hi Nicolai,

Thanks for the info. I'll play around with the filters and provide an update to our client.

Manon Wekking


Thanks for the info @nicolai. How did you find out which IP was responsible for the difference?

In our solution DW has 10 times larger numbers for unique visits etc then GA. I am wondering what's the cause of that. I can see several things happening which you mentioned, but I'd hope it would be closer.

Things I can imagine happening:

- We run a monitor (uptrends) and it will visit the site several times a day to see if the site is still up. Maybe that's filtered out by GA bot detection?

- Maybe there's another proces visiting the site from the server or something which is something GA might not detect as a visit but DW does?

Either way, I am hoping you could help me out by pointing in the direction where you found the IP address. In the reports and the exports I can only seem to find the scores, not the actual data it was based on, but perhaps I am looking at the wrong location. Our solution uses DW btw, not sure if that's relevant.

Kind regards,

Manon Wekking

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Manon

You can find the IP under the mentioned report above "Unique visitors". See dump.

BR Nicolai

Manon Wekking

Ah thanks! Found it. yes


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