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Forum » CMS - Standard features » DW auto-renames my copied and renamed page

DW auto-renames my copied and renamed page

Jaocb Bertelsen

I have a problem when copying an existing webpage, and giving the new page the same URL as its parent.

If the parent page's URL is "Publications-4.aspx", the page created by my copying will be called "Copy_of_Publications.aspx".

When I try renaming the new page to "Publications.aspx", the parent takes over the new url of "Publications-5.aspx", while the new page takes the old "Publications-4.aspx".

This prevents the user of the website from copying links, and putting them in a-tags.
Furthermore, as the parent page does not have the same url anymore, it might confuse users who have bookmarked the page, not even mentioning SEO-considerations.
Of course, when I delete the new page, the parent page gets back the "Publications-4.aspx"-url.

The reason as to why there is four "Publications"-pages, is that I have other websites in the same license, with pages using "Publications" as base for the URL. Probably website copies.

Anyone else got this problem?


Bjarne Rosendal

Hi Jacob

You should probaly try and change the settings for the customized URL's.
If every website has it's own domain, then you should try and enable the "Ensure unique paths for each area" setting.

Merethe Nielsen


We have a bug for this (6499). But....
We have had a bug for this before, but it was rejected because fixing the problem would be a very high risk fix, potentially causing other parts of the system to fail. But maybe we'll try to fix it in a version of DW8 IF it can be done without breaking other parts of the system.

The best workarounds are to either to use the "Ensure unique paths for each area" function under the Control Panel settings making sure that each area has its own domain OR simply to use one of the other customized URL options.


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