The situation is as follows
On a website running Rapido we have imported users fra Navision. As not all users in Navision have been assigned e-mail addresses, these users are created in DW without a user name with a 'User provider' data integration job. Now some of these users should be impersonatable.
On the website there is a notification subscriber subscribing to DWN_STANDARD_USER_OnExtranetLogin, whose job it is to redirect a user to their dashboard upon login. However, when impersonating a user without a user name, it triggers the notification subscriber on each page load, making it more or less impossible to use the site as the user is constantly redirected to the dashboard.
So my request is, that it should be possible to impersonate users without a user name without DWN_STANDARD_USER_OnExtranetLogin being fired on each page load. Please try to recreate and let me know, if I can expect this to be fixed.
Kind regards,