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Disappointed with the Maps module

Martin Nielsen

Hi DW,

I've been wokring on migrating some of our old websites from the Dealersearch module to the new Maps module, but there are just so many bugs/missing features that i'm on the verge of giving up.

To start with i have to say, that i have no interest in using the javascript and templates that DW provides (They don't fit my needs), i want to start with a clean template and build my own implementation with the tags that are available.

But where are all my tags?

When i configure the maps module i have a bounch of settings for width, height, zoomlevel, centering, click event and more, but when i write out my templatetags i only have width and height in seperat tags, the others settings are hidden inside a hardcode javascript block called @InitScript, which means that i have no way of using them if i don't use your implementation of the GoogleMap, all settings need to be rendered in their own tags!

Why do you mess ud my work?

Working with the tags i have access to, i can make a list of locations, but for some reason you injects your init script into the bottom of my template, creating javascript error and generally giving me a hard time. Never inject anything into my templates unless i asked for it!

You got this right in almost all your other modules now, so please fix it.

Note: As a workaround i can do:



Our primary reason for migrating from Dealers search, is that we want our dealers to be AccessUsers. When working with B2B shops it makes good sense not to have everyting double so we just want our B2B logins, to be the datasource for our "Dealer search/Maps", and this module solves that issue.

But it's disappointing that it's so hard to customize if i don't want your standard implementation.


// Martin


Jesper Holm Damgaard


Martin Nielsen


More info on groups: Could the loops <--@LoopStart(UserGroups)--> and <--@LoopStart(GroupGroups)--> return all information about a group. ID and Name is not enough if you want to build awesome websites :)

Sort AccessUsers: It should be possible to setup sorting in the module settings, so AccessUsers are rendered in the correct order.

Morten Snedker

Hi Martin,

"Why do you mess up my work?"

We need bugs in our product, otherwise I'd be out of work. :-)

Putting all of that into risk we have registered the following improvements to be made:

  1. Expose module settings in template tags (Map settings, Marker settings, Clusterer settings, Location list settings, Google Maps API settings)
  2. Render all group information in the loops UserGroups and GroupGroups (using Dynamicweb/Modules/UserManagement/Frontend/Renderer.vb)
  3. Add sorting of users and groups 
  4. Make it possible to disable injection of default JavaScript (@InitScript) in template and including Google Maps library (Maps api and clusterer)

Thanks for the input.

And please, don't ever give up on us: ;-)




Martin Nielsen

Hi Morten,

That makes sense, your doing a great job at keeping you job then :-)

Thanks for getting back on this. Any thought on when these bugfixes/features vil make their way into the product?

// Martin


Morten Snedker

It's set to 8.6 with an ETA late Jan-2015.


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