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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Direct path redirects and multiple dashes

Direct path redirects and multiple dashes

Victor Jonsson

Hi there.

On DW version I'm using Direct Paths (Management center > Web & HTTP > Direct paths) and I'm having some problems with redirection for some URLs.

It seems to be URLs with two or more dashes (-)

As an eksample

  • /about-company/term--and-term
  • /products/country---term-term.aspx

I've added them to Direct paths but when I enter the old path in the frontend, i just get 404.

Is there a trick to this or simply can't be done for these URLs?

Regards, Victor


Thomas Schroll


It also seems to be a problem when using underscore.

When you search direct paths you cannot edit any of the search results.

Regards Thomas

Thomas Schroll


It seems like it is the 'Replace spaces with dash (-)' option in 'Customized URLs' section in 'Management Center' that makes the urls with underscore fail.

Regards Thomas

Victor Jonsson

Hi Thomas and thank you for your replies.

I think your conclusions are spot on.

Then the question is, is there something one can do or is it a bug in DW that needs to fixed.

Regards, Victor


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