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Device detection - scenario question

Jacob Storgaard Jensen


I've got a scenario question on how you guys would solve the following:

My client want to have a one-page mobile startpage shown when visiting the main domain ( from a mobile. If it's not at mobile they just want to show the full dekstop version. On the mobile startpage, they would like 3 buttons: "View full website (dekstop version)", "View support page" and "View color picker". The two last pages should be mobile optimized, which is no problem. But how to make the startpage switch over into desktop mode by clicking a button? and keeping it for the duration of the session? Is there any way to set a server-site session variable which I can check with a Dynamicweb if statement?

Something like:

If mobile AND showdesktopversion =

       Render mobile startpage

End If

If desktop OR showdesktopversion = true

       Render desktop version

End If

See a sketch of my scenario

Very strongly related to this old thread




Morten Bengtson
This post has been marked as an answer
Try using a link with href="/?devicedetect=false" This should disable Dynamicwebs device detection for the current session and it will then default to Desktop.
Votes for this answer: 1
Jacob Storgaard Jensen

Morten, if this works, you truly (you do no matter what) deserve the title you got at the tech conference!

This just made my day! Not only did the client suggest not to develop responsive designs for all of this "tabular-data heavy" site to be, but I now know how to do every little bit of it :-)

Thanks a million!

P.S. I'll repost your post on the other related thread to notify the other eager frontenders :-)

Jacob Storgaard Jensen

Tested on - and it works :-)

Morten Bengtson

Great. I'm glad I could help. You can buy me a beer one day :D

Jacob Storgaard Jensen

Will do!
For now I just answer a few post that are within the boundries of my knowledge :-)

Morten Sigh

Is it possible to see the end result?

Jacob Storgaard Jensen

Hi Morten, - This page will render totally different on a mobile - but has a button "Almindelig hjemmeside" which turns off the device detection.


Morten Sigh

Very nice... Thanks!


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