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Data integration for moving users from item list so users

Hans Ravnsfjall


On the solution, i have set up a data integration that exports users from items and imports it to users. Everything works fine so far, but the users only get added to all users.


Do I have to add UserGroupId to the users to be able to import and map them to a certain group, or can I set this up in the DataIntegration module?


Same question regarding allowemailmarketing to true or false on import?


Last question, how can i set it so that it doesn´t overwrite existing users?



Jonas Krarup Dam
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Hans,

Assuming you just want to add all the users to one group, you can use scripting, and just add the groupID (or group name) in the activity setup, as a constant:

Of course, you should pick the right table and column - I just did a screenshot from a random integration activity I had laying around ;-)

you can use the same to set AllowEmailMarketing.

There is no way to avoid overwriting existing users with the current providers - if the data is in the input, it will be imported (at least when using the userProvider). 


Regards, Jonas

Votes for this answer: 1
Hans Ravnsfjall

Ok, thank you for your help :)

I wil try this


regards Hans


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