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Data integration and EcomProvider

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I am experiencing a recurring issue with the jobs that are using EcomProvider. The jobs are running for a veeeery long time.

The jobs using the DynamicwebProvider seem to be fine.

Importing 2000 products takes a few hours.

The jobs were running very well at some point.

Only things that changed are either DW version or SQL Server version.

I have experienced this problem on different jobs and different solutions starting with 8.7

Anybody else had this issue before and found a solution?




Jonas Krarup Dam

Hi Adrian,

The DynamicwebProvider will always be significantly faster than the EcomProvider, since there is much less logic and much less need for  caching information.

That said, taking hours to import just 2000 products sounds bad - do you have an input file and an activity we can see, so that we can try to recreate and debug the problem?

Regards, Jonas


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