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Dashboard items in CMS (landing page / marketing) customization

Peter Leleulya

On the CMS landingpage after login and for example on the marketing dashboard page some nice reports are shown in tables and diagrams.
Is there a way to create and add custom ones? (for dw9)
I've tried to search this protal on terms like 'dashboard' and 'reports' but couldn't find anything useful.

Can anyone provide me with sample code and a small how-to?
I'm sure it is possible, but can't figure out how ...

Thanks in advance!


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Peter

Currently no - but you will get full blown Dashboards in all areas (Content, Ecommerce, PIM, etc) with extensibility in 9.3 - see dump. That will be fully extensible.

Votes for this answer: 1
Peter Leleulya

Thanks for your response Nicolai.
Too bad that is too late for our current project, but good to know it is on it's way.


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