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Customer center, solution set version.

Anders Engelbøl

Hey, I just called the support, of which noone could tell me if the customer center on the current solutionset is the latest version. This fact in itself scares me a bit.

Is there anyone else who can enlighten me?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Anders

The solution set is 3 things. Dynamicweb the application, the solution set data and settings and a set of templates.

The solution set ( runs on the newest version of Dynamicweb (, see specs on github.

On it runs Dynamicweb 8.5

The templates in the solution set may not have all the features implemented that have been released in 8.4+8.5 (i.e. quotes, loyalty points etc.)

Hope this clarifies a bit?

Are you looking for anything in particular?


Anders Engelbøl

Hi Nicolai,

I just wanted to clarify if the solutionset was up to date, and in this particular case, if the "Customer Center" templates were all up to date. As I know, this is a fairly new module (seen in perspective to i.e the news module), and you may or may not have made any changes to this in DW 8.5 that is not yet reflected or utilized in the solutionset templates.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Anders

Yes, solution set is up to date.

Customer center is a module from 2007 :-). A lot of features have been added over the time though.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Anders Engelbøl

Haha, well there goes my argument :) Though I got my answer, Thanks Nicolai. :)


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