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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Content tabs
Tomas Gomez


I want to organise a content page in tabs, just like the product tabs in the page of the product details.

Is there any configuration to do it? I don't find it in the paragraph options.

An alternative would be to create a special template and assign it to the page. In this case, which is the standar procedure to display tabs in DW templates?



Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Tomas

Frontend or backend?

In backend you need to use item tabs.

If you mean frontend, you need to use markup of some sorts. Rapido has a tabs component that can be used, but probably easier to just see what the markup is like on the product page and copy that.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Tomas Gomez

Hi Nicolai,

It is for the frontend. Thanks for your answer, we already thought about it but were not sure if there was an easier procedure.

As a suggestion for future versions, it would be nice to have an option in the Paragraph container setup to show the subparagraphs as tabs. Just like the Carousel option, but displaying the subparagraphs as tabs instead of carouselling them.


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Tomas

We will consider it. Do you have some mockups so we can see the context? Or examples of websites that does this in a good way?

It does sound like a potential UX issue - and how should it be handled on mobile devices...?

Thanks, Nicolai

Tomas Gomez

Hi Nicolai,

Not really... we just received the requirement from our client and preparing how to fulfill it.

To be consistent, the behaviour should be the same as for the tabs in the Product page, both on standar and mobile devices.


Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I am jumping in this thread because we got a similar request from a customer and for Mobile display, there are a few options for rendering Tabs:

1. Vertically, expanded

2. Vertically as an accordion (expand/collapse)

3. As a dropdown selector

Depending on the type of content in the tabs, each option from the list above has its benefits or downsides.

 We could not find other options but if anybody else has other suggestions, I am interested to find them out.

Thank you,


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