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Content Integrator

Thomas Schroll


I need to submit an address (?vejnavn=Vejnavn&postnr=0000&husnr=00) to a webservice. I should then receive a xml with data, that I show on the page. Is it possible to use the module 'Content Integrator' with a form, or is it only static parameters that can be passed to the webservice?

Regards Thomas




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Thomas


If you check the "Forward query string" option on the paragraph, the specified URL gets the querystring added to it.


But a webservice usually expects a post and not a get...


If it is a .NET webservice, and you have access to it, you can make it available via get operations:


BR Nicolai

Thomas Schroll

Hi Nicolai

Thanks. I didn't think of the post/get issue. I don't have access to service, so I'll just have to do it in another way.

Regards Thomas


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