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Complete Data List XML

Morten Lund


Short question: Is there anywhere I can see the complete XML file generated by a datalist?



Morten Snedker

Hi Morten,


Can you please elaborate - I'm not entirely sure where you're at...


Regards /Snedker

Morten Lund

Hi Snedker

Maybe it's because I'm kind of a newbie to XSLT and the use of it in DW... :)

E.g. I made a datalist and now I need to make a XSLT file for that to display correctly - but right now i'm 'fumbling in blindness'. I need to see the complete XML file generated, to see which fields I have available for output, and how the data is formatted.


Hope you understand, and that I have understood the use of XSLT correctly.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Datalists do not make XML.


If you use Datalist module to publish a list, you have a template available - that is in HTML. It can also be XSLT and you can get hold of the XML document for that by adding &savetemplatexml=true to your url. That will give you an XML file with the same name as your XSLT in the same folder as your xslt.


As an alternative you can do a XML publishing - without having a page with a paragraph with datalist module attached. There you can just call the URL and get the XML.


Maybe see manual:

Votes for this answer: 1
Morten Lund

?savetemplatexml=true was the answer - thanks Nicolai


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