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breadcrumb xslt dwnavigation missing showinlegend items in xml

Remi Muller

I am having trouble rendering a proper breadcrumb.

In the site there pages which are hidden from the menu but should be visible in the breadcrumb. I am using the dwnavigation settings expandmode pathonly.

From the attribute @ShowInLegend i can determine if it should be visible. But when a page element is hidden from the menu the element is removed from the xml but i need it for my breadcrumb.

Is it possible to have the menu items in the xml when hide from menu is used? An attribute ShowInMenu on the page element would solve this.



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Remi


If you have a VERY new Dynamicweb 8.2.2 you can use a setting called "sitemapmode:true" on your navigation - that should solve your issue.


BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Remi Muller

Ok thanks. I can work with that.

I think a breadcrumbmode could also be needed. The sitemap can differ from the breadcrumb. Maybe not likely but possible.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Try this setting:



It includes all nodes no matter if they are not marked for Include, ShowInLegend and ShowInSitemap.

Also very new, and not documented yet (in beta)


BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Remi Muller

Cool that would solve all variations :)

Remi Muller

Am i correct that you ment that includemode:all (adds all attributes) works in addition to sitemapmode:true?

Then a breadcrumbmode or legendmode would still be prefered.

For now i will be using the sitemapmode + expandmode=pathonly to generate a legend. The page has to be in the sitemap then.


Jacob Storgaard Jensen

I doesn't seem to include all nodes... I've got this cookies page, which I don't want in the menu and in the sitemap - But I would like it in my legend...

I've checked "Hide in menu", "Show in breadcrumb trail" - "Show in sitemap" is not checked.

I use these settings: includemode:all;startlevel:1;expandmode:all;template:breadcrumb.xslt;


But when running ?savexml=true the cookies page is nowhere to be found...



Mikkel Ricky

You need to add "sitemapmode:true" to the settings as well (cf.



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