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Clean up File and Database Logs

Kevin O'Driscoll

Dw Version 9.7.3
We currently have in 10,198,864 rows in table Statv2SessionBot and other stat tables are also big.
We had running the log configurator here:

"Once you check the Delete logs automatically checkbox (Figure 1.2), 
a scheduled task will be created automatically. It will run once a day, and purge logs which are older than the retention period."

Cleanuplogs scheduled task was created...

Sheduled task Activation URL:

In the scheduled task Log I get this:
2019-12-18 13:29:13.5880|INFO|ScheduledTasks|Task 'Cleanup logs' ID=8: Method Dynamicweb.Scheduling.Providers.LogsCleanupTaskAddIn.LogsCleanupTaskAddIn.Run returned: False

The Scheduled task does not run to schedule and if you run it manually nothing happens.

Can anyone tell me why this is not working?


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov

Hi Kevin,

I've tried to check the issue on my test environment based on Rapido 3.1.1 solution/db/DW9.7.4 and was not able to reproduce it, proof (5 min time period was used to check fastly).

BR, Oleg QA 

Kevin O'Driscoll

Thanks Oleg, I noticed we dont have Monitoring installed on this setup do we need this installed to make this work? Also this is a DW8 > Dw9 upgrade. Could the non database management issue be related to Permissions when the DB was upgraded to 9?

This feature is not working and is slowing the database down too much. 





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