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canonical links

HÃ¥kan Olsson
Is it possible (by request from SEO company that our customer use) to NOT get that "/startpage.aspx" as a canonical link? A couple of different seo-companies have told me that they rather prefer "/" instead for the startpage. Maybe just the domain?
I searched and found an old answer that it should be fixed in version 7.2 but I have tried it on newer solutions but it looks the same as in old solutions when checking the source code. I wanted to recommend the customer to update to a newer solution for that reason and also for the general better SEO in ecom, but I don't know for sure that the canonical links have been improved since their
Any ideas?


Michael Nielsen
Would like to know this also...
Merethe Nielsen


In the websites module - edit website - under URL you can select "Redirect first page to '/'", which will prevent search engines from indexing your first page as duplicate content.


This setting is only available if you use "Location and page name (/Path/.../Page name.aspx)" as URL type under Customized URLs.

In addition Redirect first page to '/' has no effect if:

- There is no content under Domain above.

- There is no Primary domain selected above.

- If a page has any parameters in URL (such as News v2 parameters).

I hope this helps you.



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