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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Can one develop further functions for the Forum?

Can one develop further functions for the Forum?

Iben Louise Birkkjær Christensen


I have a solution where I would like to have a message system build into. The message system should be avaliable at the users own profile page, but I would altso like the possibility of being able to send a private message directly from a forum post - the message system will be developed as a seperate custom module. A link with 'send message' should be avaliable under the users name in the forum post.


My question is now: does anyone have any experience with adding a feature like the one described above to the Forum-module? And if so, could you give me a hint as to how it could be done?


Thank you very much.


/Iben Louise


Janus Lock
You can give Bo Møller from a call... They do custom development for a living and are good at it :)


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