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batch 301 redirects

Nuno Aguiar



I have around +500 redirect to configure (301) redirects, due to a new design and restructure of a website. Does anyone have a good/pratical way to do this in Dynamicweb?



Morten Bengtson
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Nuno,


Don't know if you have found a solution to your problem, but here are some things you could try...


Option 1 - URL Rewrite

You can use the Url Rewrite module for IIS (not standard, needs to be installed). See previous post about redirecting old pages,

Find a tool or a slave that can transform your list of redirects into the xml format used in web.config :)


Option 2 - Direct Paths

If the old urls was NOT in the default url format, starting with "Default.aspx", you can import all redirects to Dynamicweb (UrlPath table in the database). You can do that through Data Integration or directly on the database. Make sure the "Direct Paths" module is activated.


Option 3 - Request a feature

It would be great if Dynamicweb could add simple import functionality for "Direct Paths", because this is a very common task when redesigning a website.


Votes for this answer: 1
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Morten,


Thanks for the suggestions.As for the request - done!


I was going for you Option 2, without the Data Integration, did not think of that, thanks. Will have it a go and see how it works out.





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