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Backend UI error - Firewall compression

Janus Lock
We have a customer who is experiencing problems (UI messed up) in the backend, when working behind a Microsoft Forefront TMG 2010 firewall with compression filter enabled? 

Anyone else who experienced something like that at has a solution?


Morten Bengtson
Argh, damn those proxies!

I have experienced something similar when using compression in IIS7 and it was "solved" by adding a web.config file to the admin folder with DWs default compression settings and disabling IIS compression on the admin folder.

If you are using the HttpCompression module that ships with DW, you can try to change the compression scheme to gzip.
The default settting in DW is using the deflate scheme (see web.config).

If you are using compression in IIS7+ you have a lot of settings available. I'm not sure what settings to change in this situation though ;-)
IIS7 compression:

It is possible to disable compression for certain types of content or destinations (server ip address) in MS Forefront TMG, but that shouldn't be necessary.
TMG compression settings:

I also recommend reading this blog post about different issues with http compression

I'm not sure if any of this helps. You've probably tried most of it already :-/

Martin Nielsen
Hi Janus,

What did you end up doing? I have a similar problem with TMG2010 aswell.

// Martin
Martin Nielsen

I took a look at the links Morten provided, and i found a solution that fixed my problem.

In the Web.config in the Appllication folder i changed this line:

<add key="HttpCompressionSettings" value="/Admin/Public,/Admin/Statisticsv2,/Admin/FileManager,/Admin/Module/Ecom/,/Admin/Module/Ipaper,/Admin/Module/News/News_Module_List.aspx,/WebResource.axd"/>

<add key="HttpCompressionSettings" value="/Admin,/WebResource.axd"/>
Maybe it'll work for you aswell :-)
Janus Lock
Haven't seen your answer.. apparently I am not getting notification emails from forum :(

But thanks Martin, I will try that


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