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Automatic Admin Notificationmail

Dan Mortensen


Is it in some way possible to send a mail from backend to admin, when one of these conditions are met:

1. A user has clicked any link from newsletter.
2. Content on a page has changed (Ideally, this is what I want, to get the content of the page sent to admin)
3. When Engagement Index is above 1 and changes to a higher value.

Alternatively or as a potential solution :
Is there a way to (re)define what a LEAD is, and then use this to to send a notification mail to the admin when one of the aforementioned conditions are met?


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Dan

@1: No, but you can subscribe to Notifications.Standard.Application.AuthenticateRequest and listen to the linkhandler and find the user and the link on that request and send an email based on that... My best option.

@2: You can use the workflow module with a notification step only to send mails when thing change: Set the workflow on the website settings and it applies to all pages

@3: Only by doing something custom...

You can take a look at what is leads and scoring in the MC:


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