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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Audit paragraph module

Audit paragraph module

Jesse Bakker


We have a solution which uses the Audit paragraph module to render the last edited pages on the frontend. This solution is running on 8.5.

Now we're redesigning the website on 8.9 but now the Audit paragraph module isn't available anymore. It isn't showing in de 'Module Configuration' either.

What happend with it? Is it (re)moved?





Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Jess

The module was deprecated a trissilion years ago, but is still in the codebase on DW8 (Removed on DW9).

The module will be removed from the module list automatically if you re-run the update from MC.

You can fire this one on the SQL Firehos to get it back:

INSERT INTO [Module] (ModuleSystemName, ModuleName, ModuleAccess, ModuleStandard, ModuleScript, ModuleParagraph, ModuleHiddenMode) VALUES ('Audit', 'Audit', 0, 0, 'Audit/Audit_list.aspx', 1, 0)

Votes for this answer: 1
Jesse Bakker

Thanks it worked.


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