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Antispam, usermanagement, forms

Jan Sangill


I have a few questions.

1) Activating antispam in management center in version 8.8.X. What does this actually do? When I enable this, I cant really see a difference in the output atleast.

2) Antispam is that only in reference to forms, and not usermanagement? Would antispam block bots when subscribing to a page? I have some issues there. Or is double optin required here?


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Jan

Antispam is forms only - and comments I think. It does not change the output of the form, but the server side check kicks in if enabled. It checks on a number of parameters catching the majority of bots.

User management signup does not use this feature - it probably should.

Double op-in is one option - the other would be a simple trick to avoid most of the bots. Set the action on the form to /Admin/Public/404.aspx and when the user submits the form, make sure a JS changes the action to the correct one. Simple trick that removes many bogus signups. But far from all...

BR Nicolai

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Jan Sangill

Hi Nikolai,

Regarding antispam. Would there be a reason to not enable this?:)

I will try your trick with the Javascript for usermanagement, and see if this helps. 



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Jan

It should always be active. So should SQL injection check. It can be disabled because someone sometimes code stuff that looks like SQL injection and BOT spamming and refuse to do it differently :-)

BR Nicolai


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