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Address View Custom Blocks

Kevin Byrd
Kevin Byrd


There is certainly a work around for this task, but it might be nice to have more Custom__Block razor pages for areas that utilize the creation of new Blocks such as AddressesList, etc.

Just something to perhaps look into for a future update as it could help maintain consistencies within the code.





Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Kevin

Rapido 4 which is next version will have a very different approach to implementation and the concepts of blocks etc. will not be part of that implementation. It will just be regular razor templates and you can more easily change things like addresses in that version.

Furthermore Dynamicweb 9.10 will have a new feature related to address formats that hopefully will take care of the address formatting when rendering using country settings so your work in address templates should be less.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Kevin Byrd
Kevin Byrd

Thanks Nicolai!





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