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Adding multiple photos to an item type

Casper Andersen

Hi DynamicWeb

I made my own itemtype that has some basic information on it like name, rich text editor and so on. But i would now like to add something that can take multiple images which i can then output on the item.


Many thanks in advance


Thomas Schroll
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Casper

You can either use a field of type folder and then go through all images in the folder, or you can make another item type and enable it for item list. Then you can insert a field of type item relation list, where you can use multiple instances of the other item (see for further info).

Regards Thomas

Votes for this answer: 1
Casper Andersen

Ok thanks for the info. I couldn't get really get my head around the item relations, so i ended up making a folder for each item that needed photos and used some code to get each image and i used the image name as my title for my accordion and put the image inside the accordion body'

  string folder = GetValue("ItemPublisher:Item.Billeder").ToString();
  string folderOnDisk = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(folder);
  var directoryInfo = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(folderOnDisk);
  foreach (var fileInfo in directoryInfo.GetFiles("*.png")){

<img src="@(string.Format("{0}/{1}", folder,  fileInfo.Name))" />


thanks to Imar Spaanjaars for providing the code here


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