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Adding google instant like search to standard Dynamicweb Solution

Hans Ravnsfjall



is there any way to create a sort of Google Instant Search or Google suggest feature to a Dynamicweb cms, where you get the results as you type? This should proably be a standard in the system, as it has become a standard on www. Does anybody know how to set this up, or have any suggestions on how to do this?

I am hoping to be able to do this, wittin a standard Dynamicweb solution - without adding a custom module. Is this possible?

regards, Hans


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Hans

It is a nice feature, but also requires a relatively complex search engine and I would not say it is the default on websites, except larger sites that have spent $$ on great searching. We do not currently have it built in Dynamicweb.

But it can be setup - but it requires an index of the website, and Dynamicweb can currently not provide one.

But you can use external search engines. This developer site uses Google Site Search which is easy to setup - and you can use services like

The new indexing feature in Dynamicweb will evolve to be able to do some of these things.

BR Nicolai

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Hans Ravnsfjall

Ok , thank you very much Nicolai.

The Google Site Search solution looks great, and it appears to be style´able, so I will look in to using it :)



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