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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Adding contacts from one group to more groups

Adding contacts from one group to more groups

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks


We have several campaigns where people can fill in a form (via forms for editors app) on a landingpage.
By filling in a form the contact is added to one specific group (Campaign X or Campaign Y).

Besides that we also would like to add these contacts to our newsletter groups.
Is there a simple way to add the contacts who are already in group Campaign X to one of our newsletter groups
(Instead of exporting the Campaign X group and later on importing the contacts to the newsletter group)?

Best regards


Nicolai Pedersen

The best option is to go to the group Campaign X, set the page size to 200 and choose the "select all" checkbox in the top of the list - and then right click and choose add to gruop. Go 2 page 2 and do the same. Will work but not if you have 10000 users...

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks

Thanks Nicolai, it works!

BR Gerard


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