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Add a domain in email marketing

Harald Brouwers


I have a question about adding a sender domain for Email Marketing.

I know that I have to add the domain in "website properties" and add a binding in IIS zo it will show in the hostheaders.

The problem is that is a Azure hosted solution. And making the domain available to the hostheaders involves adding it as custom domain in Azure with a bunch of DNS records. Because the domain is already in use by a subdivision of our customer, we can't add these DNS records. So no custom domain in the hostheaders.

My question, is there any other way to add a sender domain to the Email Marketing? (maybe directly in te database) So my customer can send their mails using the domain of their subdivision.

Greetings Harald


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Harald

I guess you mean the dropdown in the screendup attached?

We could make it so you could add things to the dropdown, but I cannot see how that should work? That value is used for all links in the email being send, and if the hostname is not in the IIS hostheaders list, it will never be able to show that page on the link. So I am pretty sure it will not work...

Or what do I not understand?

BR Nicolai

Harald Brouwers

Hi Nicolai,

Yeah that is the dropdown I meant. The problem is that in a local IIS solution I can add a TLD like as binding and than use this domain to send marketing emails.

The customer has an Azure hosted solution, so I needed to add a custom domain to the webapp, but that domain is also in use for another website. Typing this, I realise that when you make the dropdown so I can add things, without adding the hostheaders, all the spam reverse DNS checks will fail. So probably all mail wil go into the spam sent that way ;).

I will inform the customer that we need to find another solution.

Greetings Harald


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