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404 when submitting forms in IE8 on DW 8.4

Mikkel Gunvald


I recenly upgraded to 8.4.

When submitting forms in IE8 the form is submittet to /Admin/Public/404.aspx because the e.action fails on submit in IE8 with error: "the object doesn't support this property or method"

This is the html from my form..

<form method="post" id="FormSave21" name="FormSave21" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/Admin/Public/404.aspx" onsubmit="s=function(e){e.elements['FormCH1_h'].value='cd27ccee64aa7d21e760b3b735f8a58c';e.elements['_sys_to_email'].value='';e.action=';Purge=True';return true};return s(this)">


What has gone wrong?
Is it a bug or is my configuration incorrect?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

It could be a bug because the feature was not tested in IE8. We might need to change the .action to setAttribute instead.

What is your doctype? Quirks or Default compliance mode?


Mikkel Gunvald

I'm using Default compliance mode, but i've tried quirks mode aswell. 

Why is the form action submitting to /Admin/Public/404.aspx ? That
automatically excludes any devices/users that don't use javascript.

(It's not a problem for me, but i was just wondering..)

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Part of an improved antispam system. A lot of spam bots do not fire the javascript, and will fail this step and submit the form and get a 404.

Just one step of many. Instead of anoying users with useless Captchas.

Mikkel Gunvald

Arh... I see :)

I'm using html5 doctype, but i just tried changing to HTML 4.01 Strict on our dev server. No Difference .

Mikkel Gunvald

Do you have a workaround or bugfix?

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

It is a bug. Just fixed for, TFS#14419. Due next Tuesday.

BR Nicolai

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

You can bypass it until then by adding a line of javascript to your form template that sets the action to the current page...

Mikkel Gunvald

Do'h...!  Of course.. Easy fix :)

Thx for the help :)


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