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404 page - Download.aspx

Ricardo Pereira
Ricardo Pereira


When an URL with the Download.aspx handler is submited with a non existent file, the 404 page is not the same that I setup in the area settings.

Example: /Admin/Public/Download.aspx?file=fileNonExistent.pdf

Looks like a bug. Can anyone confirm?

Dynamicweb version: 9.2.10


Thank you,

Ricardo Pereira


Nicolai Pedersen

That is on purpose. We did have a huge issue with a lot of 404 to non existing files, rendering an entire and heavy pageview for each attempted request. In new dw versions requests for /doesnotexist.css, /some.js and other static ressources is also not using the page defined on the area. And that is because that on many sites we have 3-4 up to 10 times the amount of 404s than real requests - executing a real page for these is too heavy - also because many customers render all their content plus a little more on their 404 page - and most of them are not even shown for users.

So it has been limited to only be shown on 404s that seems to have been a page previously.

Hope this clarifies.


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