Developer Blog

Webinar - Producing Printed Materials without ever Leaving Dynamicweb

This is the DevBlog post for the webinar "Producing Printed Materials without ever Leaving Dynamicweb"

In this webinar, we look at how we can product printed materials 100% in Dynamicweb.

You'll find a recording of the webinar here:

If you have any questions or comments regarding the content of the webinar, feel free to enter them below.

You may also be interested in the previous Webinar in this series from the 26/8-21 called "Producing Printed Catalogs from Dynamicweb PIM", which looks at how we can product printed materials using Dyanmicweb PIM as the data source and using the EasyCatalog plugin for InDesign for the actual catalog production.

Kevin O'Driscoll
The Foundry
15 October 2021 at 15:33

Hi Brian thanks for a great webinar, I need to soak it in a bit... Does this only run with Rapido or Swift? We tend to use vanilla Bootstrap with customisations.

Meantime can I get a copy of your solution from somewhere to download? ie Templates Item types and css files? So I can get up to speed asap on this.

Is it only available after a certain version of DW?

Very interesting you are using Iron PDF, Ive been using their api for 18 months

Thanks Kevin

Nuno Aguiar
Nuno Aguiar
Dynamicweb North America, Inc
15 October 2021 at 21:43

Hi Brian,


Really great webinar. I loved how you framed the 100% DW vs 3rd party approach with the Pros and Cons. I'm going to try to remember that approach on my next meeting on this topic ;)


Concerning Swift, I believe there should be an offer, even if the Printable Papers are not too different than the current Rapido option. I am certain some improvements can be made, but the struggle to use the Visual Editor (that has no fixed height nor width) would be an issue for sure. 


My position is based from the fact that developers should have a solid foundation to do their work. The overhead of knowing the project, knowing the platform and knowing print-specific challenges (paper format, bleeds, cropping text, paging, ... ) is huge and whatever can be provided to ease that learning curve makes taking a project possible. I guess part of the "con" of being an All-in-One is that you need to support a lot of things ;)




Brian Fredrick Ahlmann Boyles
Brian Fredrick Ahlmann Boyles
Dynamicweb Software A/S
18 October 2021 at 11:55

Hi Kevin. Thanks for your message.

If you cherry pick a Rapido for the templates and recreate the folder structure so includes can be found and whatnot, I do believe that this should also work for you in a plain-Jane Dynamicweb or a Swift.

The template-driven print capabilities in Dynamicweb which I highlighted have been available since 9.8 (January 2020), so from that version at least it is supported, and perhaps even before. Reach out to support if you have a specific challenge. Incidently, AbcPDF was replaced by IronPDF from Dynamicweb 9.7 from August 2019.

I'm sharing with you here my CSS, items and templates, but please note (as I mentioned in the webinar) that these are just a start, so don't take these as being the 'right' way of customizing. 

Feel free to reach out to me at and let me know how it goes.

Brian Fredrick Ahlmann Boyles
Brian Fredrick Ahlmann Boyles
Dynamicweb Software A/S
18 October 2021 at 11:57

Thanks Nuno for your message and thoughts on template-based printing and Swift. I should by the way mention to you all that one can chime in with a feature request in our developer forum on the 'feature requests' channel. Feature requests (

Nuno Aguiar
Nuno Aguiar
Dynamicweb North America, Inc
18 October 2021 at 12:20

Hi Brian,


I will at some point. Right now I have some other battles to fight on Feature Requests and I don't want to muddy the waters 

Interested Saturday Night Live GIF by HULU

Kevin O'Driscoll
The Foundry
20 October 2021 at 10:39

Hi Brian thanks for sharing your files. We will be looking at upgrading from 9.7.7 in the next few months so.



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