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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Gift cards - wrong calculation of subtotal

Gift cards - wrong calculation of subtotal

Niels Foldager

Hi Dynamicweb,

When using gift cards in Dynamicweb v. 9.17.14 prices without taxes and fees are calculated wrong when gift card amount is greather than price of the product in the cart.
Should the amount on the gift card line be calculated constantly instead of saving the full gift card amount on the order line if it is not actually needed?

Best regards,
Niels Foldager


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Niels

This is actually a known issue and seems to be related to if prices are shown with or without VAT. It has bug number 21736, you can follow it here:

BR Nicolai

Niels Foldager

Hi Nicolai,

Thanks, but it seems to be another problem than just handling VAT setting when applying gift card orderlines.
In my example, there is to much difference between product price (EUR 7,20) and the subtotal amount (EUR 98,25). I think Ecom:Order.TotalPriceWithoutDiscountFeesAndTaxes should be EUR 7,20 instead of EUR 98,25 which probably cannot be due to VAT calculation.

Best regards,
Niels Foldager

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Point taken. I was looking at the wrong difference. I see this is a somewhat other issue.

We will have a look at this.


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