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Clarification needed regarding 'Frequently Bought' setting for related products slider

Melissa Borgmann
Melissa Borgmann


I'm looking for clarification regarding the queries/logic that drive the standard related products slider ( options in DW 9 + Swift, specifically relating to 'Frequently bought' and 'Most sold'.

Based on the RelatedProductsList.cshtml Swift template (excerpt below) and this documentation (, it looks like:

  • Most sold: Sorts by (OrderCount) descending, which is all applicable parent products that appear in most orders placed in the previous 60 days.
    • What does 'most' mean?
  • Frequently bought: Displays all parent products purchased on orders with the current product (BoughtWithProductIds)
    • This documentation ( seems to indicate instead that this was sorting by highest count of products purchased on orders associated with the currently impersonated account. Please clarify which is correct?
@*--- VARIANTS ---*@ @if (sourceType == "variants") { <input type="hidden" name="MainProductID" value="@productIds"> } @*--- MOST SOLD ---*@ @if (sourceType == "most-sold") { <input type="hidden" name="SortBy" value="OrderCount"> <input type="hidden" name="GroupId" value="@groupId"> <input type="hidden" name="isVariant" value="false"> } @*--- TRENDING ---*@ @if (sourceType == "trending") { <input type="hidden" name="SortBy" value="OrderCountGrowth"> <input type="hidden" name="GroupId" value="@groupId"> <input type="hidden" name="isVariant" value="false"> } @*--- LATEST ---*@ @if (sourceType == "latest") { <input type="hidden" name="SortBy" value="Created"> <input type="hidden" name="GroupId" value="@groupId"> <input type="hidden" name="isVariant" value="false"> } @*--- FREQUENTLY BOUGHT ---*@ @if (sourceType == "frequently") { <input type="hidden" name="BoughtWithProductIds" value="[@productIds]"> <input type="hidden" name="isVariant" value="false"> } @*--- RELATED PRODUCTS ---*@ @if (sourceType == "related-products") { <input type="hidden" name="ProductvariantId" value="@productVariantIds"> }


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Most sold: The field is called "OrderCount" which means the number of orders on which the product appears on. If one product (A) appears on 60 orders and another (B) 59, the most sold product is A. Quantity is disregarded.

Frequently bought: The number of times one product (A) appears on orders with another product (B) based on count occurences. There is no impersonation involved.

The link is related to an older outdated feature that was avaiable on the old product catalog app. It is not in use on Swift or the product catalog for viewmodels at all. It has also been removed in Dynamicweb 10

Votes for this answer: 1
Melissa Borgmann
Melissa Borgmann

Thank you for clarifying, Nicolai! 


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