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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » ePay CheckoutHandler - capture fails when external payment fee is added to the order

ePay CheckoutHandler - capture fails when external payment fee is added to the order

Niels Foldager

Hi Dynamicweb,

When using the EPayPaymentWindow CheckoutHandler, where "Card fee added by ePay" is active, the validation logic fails when trying to capture the total order amount including external payment fee.

Capture amount should be validated against order total amount including external payment fee.

Best regards,
Niels Foldager


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov

Hi Niels,

could you please specify DW (and the payment provider) version. Is it a live solution the error occurs on, what's trigger for that (did you not catch it before e.g. on previous version etc.)? Thanks.

BR, Oleg QA 


Niels Foldager

Hi Oleg,
Is it a live solution using:

Dynamicweb 9.17.6
Dynamicweb.Ecommerce 1.17.7
Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.CheckoutHandlers.EPayPaymentWindow 3.1.2

Our customer has just started using ePay with this setting "Card fee added by ePay" active.

Best regards,
Niels Foldager

Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov


new task #21832 has been submitted to handle the issue out. Thanks.

BR, Oleg QA


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