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Swift - Accessibility settings issues on tablet

Marie Louise Veigert


We have a client which have an issue regarding show rows on tablet.
If they set the settings 'Hide for desktop' and 'Hide for mobile' on an element, which should only be shown on tablet, it doesn't show on tablet either.
It seems like the tables always get the 'desktop' version. 

I cannot see Im able to do anything to fix this? It looks like it inside DW somewhere?

They are running a older Swift (1.21), but is not in a position to upgrade at the moment, so Im looking into fixing this another way if possible. 
Any suggestions?

Marie Louise


Karsten Thuen Dynamicweb Employee
Karsten Thuen

Hi Marie

I may be wrong, but I think I read, some years ago, that tablets would render websites acting as desktops. You could try to not enabling "Hide for desktop", and test if the page shows on your tablet. 

Let me know about your findings.


Best regards
Karsten Thuen

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

iPad pro renders like a desktop. Other ipads does not.


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