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Backend user permissions

Melissa Borgmann
Melissa Borgmann
We have a client that would like a subset of their backend users to be able to see user record details as read-only within the Users module. However, setting the user group role to 'Read' permissions for the Users module results in disabled user records and prevents the backend user from opening the record to view details (see screenshots below). Is there a configurable/native way to allow backend users to open/read user records within the Users module without also allowing edit permissions?
Thank you,
Melissa B.


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Currently not - read means you cannot open the edit screen as that does not come in a readonly version...

The best thing you can do is right click the column headers and add additional columns to the user list.

Votes for this answer: 1
Melissa Borgmann
Melissa Borgmann

Okay - thank you for clarifying, Nicolai!


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